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About Jinor Group

Jinor is an Iranian brand has been registered in 2011 in Turkey and Iran with the mission of introducing the beauty of batik into the modem apparel in order to both add more diversity and originality and to help batik art find new fields to grow into. In Old Persian it means new and innovative meaning, the gift of God, stylish woman and new idea.
Jinor brand having special combinations, modern and postmodern designs, colors and the designs desired by modern human, attempts to combine traditional batik art with modern life.
Jinor started with production of hand printed premium silk fabric that could be used for any purpose by designers and then added scarves and heads-carves as the first line in its ready to wear apparel for women. Having an overwhelmingly positive feedback and demand from men Jinor added neckties and bowties as well as neck cloth and head cloth to experiment with batik on male apparel and to date has sold out all the produced items. Later Jinor tested its concept in evening dresses as its second line of RTW for women that turned out to be a massive success and increased Jinor’s brand recognition significantly. Jinor is still in the learning stages as it continuously tries more and more ideas that can involve batik in everyday life. Being hand printed and hand crafted Jinor products are still in luxury and designer clothing class however some development plans are being considered by Jinor group to help grow the brand’s consumer base beyond only designer clothing and spread the concept of Jinor and batik art further in the society.

The products of Jinor, with their special packing, and according to type of the silk are produced and offered in three A, B and C classes.
The A class are worked out on the best silks, are unrepeatable and are valuable for collections.
The class B products like, class are worked out on the best silks but are repeatable.
Class C products are worked on second grade silks, are repeatable and the aim of designing is the access of different social classes to products of Jinor.

Note: in class B designs, unique designing with collective value is more important than the silk type, thus, the silks of this class are the best types but sometimes type 2 is used.